Monthly Archives: November 2006 – This just made my night…

I have to laugh when I think of all the Kaybots on who have commented and accused “Pink Truth” of being lazy,  uneducated, and not able to “work the business” in order to succeed.  I knew she was smart, but this waaaaay surpassed what I thought!  Way to go PT, er Tracy.   I’m just thankful that I didn’t have too much invested and my head wasn’t totally lost in a pink fog.  It certainly could have been worse. 

Milwaukee, WI November 20 2006 — Tracy L. Coenen, CPA, MBA, CFE, a nationally-recognized fraud examiner and expert witness, has developed a website to educate and inform the public about the Mary Kay Cosmetics business opportunity. Pink Truth ( has quickly become a valued resource to hundreds of thousands of women around the world.

Coenen, a highly credentialed and experienced fraud investigator, is utilizing her expertise on fraud to reach out to current and former independent representatives of Mary Kay. Widely-available internet access has made information and opinions shared by these representatives available to women considering becoming independent beauty consultants.

As a former member of Mary Kay’s independent sales force, Coenen has first-hand experience with the abuses that occur in multi-level marketing companies like Mary Kay. Typical abuses in MLM companies can include incomplete information given during the recruiting process, unsubstantiated earnings claims, and pushing large quantities of inventory on new recruits.

“The site is aimed at putting information in the hands of those who need it most: those who are considering signing up and those who are struggling with their Mary Kay businesses,” said Coenen. “This is a rapidly growing public awareness campaign to give women access to potentially negative information about the Mary Kay business opportunity. Women deserve to know the truth about their chances of success, the typical earnings of a beauty consultant, and the realities related to recruiting new members.”

As the visibility of the site expands, Mary Kay’s corporate executives have taken note, even advising high-level members of the independent sales force to discourage members of their downlines from visiting the website. Coenen has received hundreds of emails thanking her for the positive impact the website has had, and she intends to continue providing information about the Mary Kay opportunity so that women around the world can make well-informed decisions.

About Pink Truth:

The site was launched in July of 2006 and moved to its current internet address in October. Pink Truth is owned and maintained by Tracy Coenen, a forensic accountant with Sequence Inc. in Milwaukee and Chicago. Coenen performs financial investigations related to corporate fraud and embezzlement, financial statement fraud, contract disputes, and insurance fraud.

For more information about Pink Truth, please visit

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Monday Murmurings

So, OJs book deal and interview on Fox are canceled?  What a pity.  Who cares what that jackass has to say?  Everyone knows he killed them, so I think it’s kind of a non-issue.  Now, if for some reason the whole double-jeopardy thing were abolished and you could retry someone for the same crime and he were the first person they chose… Hell yeah, THAT would be news.  Hearing him talk about it.  Not news, just a pathetic cry for attention.  Continue reading

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The death of Bambi

The hunters have returned.  Everyone but Dan got a deer.  Steve gave his to Tom because he knows better than to bring it home.  I don’t care for venison.  Too bad we don’t have elk in Nebraska, I much prefer that.  Bob got a deer for the first time in I don’t know how long.  Unfortunately the scope made the deer look much larger than it really was.  Steve says it couldn’t have lost its spots that long ago.   If he was planning on having a barbecue with his deer, he better not invite many people!  Continue reading

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I haven’t been lost in the pink fog again – haha!  I’ve been driving to Fremont every day for work.  About the only new thing I’ve learned is that there is way too much roadkill between here and there.  I’ve taken just about every imaginable way to work in the past 3 weeks and the amount of roadkill is unimaginable!  If they could just use the stuff for some useful purpose… Ick.  I felt bad yesterday when I saw a dead kitty near Bennington, otherwise it’s just gross.  I never knew there were so many possum and raccoon between here and there.  Not to mention the skunks!  The only thing worse than hitting a skunk yourself it hitting it for about the 100th time and the stink follows you around for the next 2 days.  That’s just wrong. 

I should be getting my computer tomorrow.  Hopefully.  I was supposed to get it today, but MIS Steve called me at 1:30 (I was supposed to leave at 2:30) he called to say the computer wasn’t ready – he had found some kind of glitch.  Hello.  They’ve known that I was going home to work this Friday for three weeks and on Thursday afternoon they’re still getting it ready?  Well, for whatever reason it wasn’t good to go, something about not being able to get the VPN to work, so hopefully it will be ready in the morning and I can get home and get it set up early in the day.  I know there’ll be problems, there always are when setting up a new computer and since no one working weekends is familiar with the MT side of things, I have to get it done tomorrow before 5, so the guys can help me if need be.  I hope things go relatively smooth and I’m up and working before afternoon!  Wish me luck. 

I went to the doctor today.  I’m still having a rumbly tummy and sore back.  She thinks I have an ulcer (NO!  How did THAT happen?) and if the other things don’t straighten out with the medicine she gave me, or all the blood work, etc., don’t show something, then I have to have another colonoscopy.  Yippee.  That’s my kind of fun.  NOT.  I just had one 3 years ago.  I’m still supposed to be good for another 7 years.  Somebody explain this to my body because I really, really, really do not want to have another colonoscopy.  The procedure is a breeze, no problem whatsoever (thank you Versed) but the prep is the most awful thing I’ve ever had to do in my life (other than being married to my ex…)  The taste is just awful and you have to drink a gallon of this stuff – I’m not kidding.  The last time I only gagged down, literally, about half of it before my body absolutely refused to tolerate any more.  Steve managed to get his whole gallon down – I have to give him credit for that, but I couldn’t do it then and I doubt I can do it now.  The memory is still to fresh.  I’d rather give birth than have to drink that stuff again.  GoLYTELY is what it’s called, and IMHO it should be called GoEXPLOSIVELY – once you manage to drink it.  Yuck.  I’m about sick just thinking about it.  (shudder)

On that cheerful note, I’m going to go to bed.  Steve, the mighty hunter, is off stalking Bambi until Monday and I’m having doubts that I’ll hear the alarm in the morning.  I usually sleep right through it.  Of course, now that I’m worried I won’t hear it, I probably won’t be able to sleep…  On top of that Ruger is Nervous Nellie tonight because Steve’s not here and I guess he thinks he’s the man of the house, so he’ll be up all night wandering around the bedroom, pacing… It’s going to be a long night. 

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